Board of Trustees

St. Paul’s United Church Board of Trustees

Roles and Responsibilities:

The St. Paul’s United Church Board of Trustees holds all real and personal property of the Church in trust and safe-keeping for the congregation. Trustees are responsible for all legal aspects of the Church’s property, including selling, mortgaging, exchanging or leasing and insuring, and for the administration of trust funds. The Board is also responsible for maintaining an inventory of all Church assets and contents, including current and historical records.


Chairman — Theo Wolder
Past Chair — Carol Kerr
Treasurer — Don Clements
Secretary: Sue Butson
Trustee — Jim Coulson
Trustee — Ian Dickson
Trustee — Rob Esch
Trustee — Dr. Ivan Hunter
Trustee — Bob MacDonald
Ex-Officio — Reverend Christina Crawford